Shortly after Dr Beckton successfully completed his Viva, it was necessary to follow the time-honoured traditions of doctoral creation.
Many congratulations Julian, well done 🙂
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digital soapbox
Shortly after Dr Beckton successfully completed his Viva, it was necessary to follow the time-honoured traditions of doctoral creation.
Many congratulations Julian, well done 🙂
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The third floor corridors of the MHT Building are looking better for a new coat of paint (although it seems slightly mad to do this while staff and students are trafficking by). The collection of framed film prints and posters in the stairwell also look good. I was intrigued by The Wild and The Willing, filmed in Lincoln in 1962. The plot outline on IMDB didn’t hugely appeal but out of interest I watched the first segment on YouTube (1/12). Like all vintage films it provides a snapshot of the social and cultural attitudes of the day; in particular, local reaction to having students in their midst. Prophetic or not? Watch and make up your own mind!
I also came across this 1997 THES article from Roger King, late of this parish, or VC of the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside as he and we were once known. Again, it’s interesting to look at then and now. Don’t you just love Google sometimes 🙂